» Sports Rehabilitation

Sports Rehabilitation

Sports Rehabilitation in Berkeley Heights, NJ

At FYZICAL Berkeley Heights, we know how difficult it can be for athletes and active people to deal with injuries and get back into the game. Our Sports Rehabilitation in Berkeley Heights, NJ program offers complete care and support that will help you return to your desired activity level as fast as possible while ensuring safety.

Personalized Treatment Plans 

Every patient who comes through our doors on their way toward healing has a different journey. That’s why our team of skilled sports physical therapists takes an individualized approach with each person. We start by doing a comprehensive assessment that allows us to understand what is wrong with you and why so we can create a personalized treatment plan for you. 

The main goal of our Sports Injury Specialist in Berkeley Heights, NJ  is not only fixing the symptoms but getting down to its root cause while making sure it happens under safe conditions, which will lead to full recovery.

Cutting-Edge Techniques 

In order to speed up your recovery process, we introduce cutting-edge techniques backed by scientific research at our modern facility, which revolves around sports therapy and is located in Berkeley Heights, NJ. 

Some examples of these methods include manual therapy (hands-on techniques), therapeutic exercises (physical activity aimed at improving health), and gait training (teaching someone how best to move their arms/legs when walking). 

Moreover, it includes functional movement analysis (studying how people perform tasks such as bending over or picking things off the ground) among others; also there are other approaches used like ultrasound, electrical stimulation, or laser therapy.

Sports Rehabilitation Berkeley Heights NJ

Choosing FYZICAL Berkeley Heights for sports rehabilitation

For every sportsman we have at FYZICAL Berkeley Heights, there is a personalized sports rehabilitation program. Our skilled therapists create individualized treatment plans with new methods of therapy development which they carry out side by side with patients, thus guaranteeing their safety throughout their recovery process.


We are dedicated at FYZICAL Berkeley Heights to getting people back on track after they’ve suffered from any type of injury or illness related to sports; no matter what level or age group one falls into, there will always be something we can do to help them achieve their goals. 

Sports Therapy Clinic in Berkeley Heights, NJ  offers a wide range of services, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, etc., all under one roof so that patients don’t have to go anywhere else but here!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Sports Physical Therapy?

Sports physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitation medicine that deals with the prevention and cure of injuries resulting from exercises or other forms of activity involving body movements.

What Is The Best Treatment For Acute Sports Injuries?

The best way to treat acute sports injuries usually involves rest followed by ice compression elevation (RICE) and then physical therapy directed towards specific problem areas, which facilitates a safe return to active function.

What should I expect from sports injury rehabilitation?

A complete assessment will be done during sports injury recovery, in which a treatment plan will be made for you and activities will be gradually introduced to help you regain strength, flexibility, and functional movement patterns so that you can avoid future injuries.

We are available outside normal business hours, including weekends.