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Physical Therapy For Children With Scoliosis

Physical therapy for children with scoliosis

Scoliosis is an idiopathic sideways curve of the spinal column, and it can be observed and diagnosed in children and teenagers. For mild scoliosis, patients can possibly manage the condition without any treatment because the curve is not expected to progress to worse forms of scoliosis, While others could be severe and warrant treatment because if left untreated, severe scoliosis will complicate the life of the patient.

 In dealing with scoliosis among children, Pediatric Physical Therapy in Katy TX is a vital component through exercise, use of braces, and proper adjustment of the child’s lifestyle. For parents that want their child and or children to be treated by experts, the FYZICAL Cinco Ranch East centre is located in Katy, Texas and delivers specialized services to children.

Understanding Scoliosis in Children

Scoliosis may be congenital or manifest early in childhood, but the standard age for a diagnosis is 10-15 years due to increased growth rates. Girls are infected more than boys. Scoliosis is the abnormal sideways deviation of the spine, and its cause lies in the lateral deviation of the vertebrae that twist the spine into an ‘S‘ or ‘C‘ curvature.

While several other situations may be attributed to concrete reasons such as cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and the likes, the majority of cases of scoliosis do not have any specific cause and are said to be idiopathic. 

Degrees of cervical curvature below fifteen represent mild cases that are likely to improve in the future. Curves of 30-40 degrees or even steeper are usually progressive by nature and their progression can be exacerbated if left untreated.

Delayed treatment of scoliosis can lead to threats of life such as poor pulmonary function, back pain other spinal deformities, and poor quality of life. And this is where physical therapists who have knowledge and experience in scoliosis treatment of children can be helpful.

Goals of Physical Therapy

Physical therapists have important goals when treating children with scoliosis:

  • Improve posture and core muscle strength to properly support the spine
  • Reduce pain and prevent loss of flexibility in the back
  • Slow or stop curve progression in mild cases 
  • Complement bracing in moderate/severe scoliosis cases
  • Teach proper movement patterns and activities to avoid
  • Provide emotional support and education to patients and families

An experienced pediatric physical therapist conducts a thorough evaluation of the child's spine, posture, range of motion, muscle strength, balance and gait. They use this assessment to design a customized treatment plan utilizing the most appropriate techniques and modalities.

Common Physical Therapy Techniques Used

Physical therapists have many techniques to help treat children with scoliosis, including:Physical therapists have many techniques to help treat children with scoliosis, including:


This consists of massage to strengthen specific muscle groups like the abdominals and back, posture, balance, as well as body mechanics. They maintain muscle pliability whereas stabilization exercises help to master correct muscle contraction.

Manual Therapy 

It involves practical approaches such as hand on treatment, whereby the therapist applies pressure on muscles and joints, mobilization of the joints, and myofascial release, whereby the therapist aims to realign the spine and address constriction in muscles. Pelvic ligament stretching can cause concomitant pain, which, if done gently, can be released through soft tissue work.


Orthotic devices designed to be fitted and worn on the body of moderate Scoliosis patients will serve to avoid worsening of the spine’s curvature. Brackets assist in relieving the pressure on the spine until the child gains the necessary height. Regarding wearing instructions and schedule The necessity of wearing instructions and schedule of wearing is also very much case sensitive depending upon the lying nature of the disease.

Neuromuscular Reeducation 

Instructing the body in the most appropriate positioning and gesture with the aid of words, pictures and touch. This helps in ensuring that correct mechanics are adopted during other activities that people undertake in their everyday lives.


Applications of heat, ice, electrical stimulation or ultrasound to relieve muscle spasms, improve circulation, and support the benefits of therapeutic exercise.

Lifestyle Guidance 

Advice on appropriate everyday activities, proper sleep positioning, backpack use, sports participation and more to avoid aggravating the spinal curvature.

While every child's treatment plan is customized to their unique case, these are some of the most common techniques pediatric physical therapists use. The goal is to enhance strength and flexibility so the spine is adequately supported.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Under the guidance of a pediatric physical therapist, children with scoliosis can gain many benefits including:

  • Reduced spinal curvature and improved posture
  • Decreased pain and muscle tightness
  • Enhanced core strength and stability 
  • Improved balance, coordination and movement patterns
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion
  • Safe participation in sports and activities 
  • Brace wearing education and compliance monitoring
  • Supportive environment with other kids facing scoliosis
  • Fun therapy incorporating play and games

Starting physical therapy early is key to maximizing positive outcomes in both mild and severe scoliosis cases. An experienced therapist trains the child in proper habits and biomechanics before the spine curvature worsens over time. 

Long Term Effects of Physical Therapy

When started early, physical therapy can have lasting positive effects for children with scoliosis including:

  • Slowing or stopping curve progression to avoid surgery
  • Developing lifelong healthy posture and movement habits
  • Reducing risk of arthritis, back pain and degeneration later in life 
  • Optimizing lung capacity and preventing respiratory issues
  • Allowing safe return to normal activities like sports
  • Improving body image, self-esteem, and emotional health
  • Educating families on proper care and what to expect long term

By learning and practicing proper strengthening, flexibility, bracing and postural techniques under the supervision of a therapist, children build habits that will benefit them throughout adulthood.


While scoliosis can be concerning for children and parents alike, the good news is that physical therapy Katy offers proven techniques to manage and treat this condition. Under the care of a therapist specially trained in pediatric scoliosis, kids can significantly improve strength, flexibility, posture, and pain.

If your child is facing scoliosis, consult your physician about a referral to a pediatric physical therapist. Clinics like FYZICAL Cinco Ranch East in Katy, TX, have therapists specially trained to help kids manage scoliosis through targeted therapeutic exercises, spinal bracing, pain relief techniques and more. Early intervention is key for the best outcome, so reach out today to discuss your child’s treatment options.