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Dive Into Aquatic Therapy

Our community has been asking for it and we are excited to announce the official opening of our Aquatic Therapy Program! A variety of conditions and injuries make it challenging to perform therapy and exercise. Some patients would benefit from the unique environment created by Aquatic Therapy, and we can now offer it to them!

Aquatic Therapy offered in our 86 degree therapeutic pool offers many advantages and benefits to individuals recovering from all phases of injury or illness. The scope of patient diagnoses treated in our pool is surprisingly vast, encompassing everything from post-surgical, non-surgical, orthopedic, rheumatologic, and neurological to chronic pain.

It is the therapeutic properties of the water combined with the skill and specialized training of our aquatic therapists that will help you to improve your mobility and function. You do not have to be a swimmer to participate in or benefit from water therapy. Your aquatic therapist will customize and train you in an aquatic exercise that is appropriate to your level.


Patients participating in aquatic therapy can expect the following benefits:

  1. Increase in joint flexibility. Buoyancy offers a tremendous advantage because it reduces the effects of gravity allowing for increased joint range of motion. Your affected body part will float, making it easier and less painful to move. The warm water also helps to relax muscles that are sore or tight.
  2. Increase in muscle strength. Water is 600-700 times more resistive than air which allows for strengthening of weakened muscles. Water resists rapid movement so equipment with increased surface area is used to increase strength in the pool.
  3. Decrease in pain. Immersion in warm water increases an individual’s comfort, by increasing blood supply to sore muscles and promoting relaxation. Weight relief to weakened body structures also creates additional comfort.
  4. Decrease in abnormal tone, spasticity, and rigidity. Water temperatures above 92 degrees in conjunction with hands on techniques are effective in creating neutral warmth that reduces increased tone due to a neurological injury.
  5. Improved balance. The uniform pressure of the water along with buoyancy provides support to your body which allows you increased time to react without the fear of falling or getting hurt. 

If you are suffering from any of the following conditions, Aquatic Therapy might be the perfect solution for you to get to moving and feeling like normal again:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Brain Injury
  • Sports Injury
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Circulation Issues
  • Arthritis
  • Balance and Weakness Problems
  • Neurological Injury
  • Stroke

We recommend Aquatic Therapy because it avoids joint strain, is appropriate for all levels of fitness, soothes sore muscles with warm water, and supports the body while providing gentle resistance.