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Fall Prevention Intervention

US Senate Select Committee on Aging Releases Bipartisan Report Supporting Physical Therapy as an Effective Intervention for Fall Risk

The US Senate Select Committee on Aging recently released a new report on falls prevention, calling for emphasis on falls awareness and prevention from service providers. The committee speakers, while discussing this topic, expressed that physical therapy is an evidenced and effective method for preventing falls. Physical therapy is described as “critically important” to recovery from a fall.

Here’s the Rundown of the Report:

The report reveals that one in four Americans 65 or older falls each year. Risk factors associated with aging include a decrease in muscle strength, deterioration of vision, osteoporosis, arthritis and dementia. Medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and anticonvulsants can trigger dizziness, sleepiness or confusion, increasing the risk of falls in older adults as well.

Ultimately, falls can result in injury, illness, disability, loss of independence or even death. Some injuries may require surgeries or lead to even higher fall risk in the future. Additionally, falls can create an emotional impact and lead to psychological consequences. Many become fearful of falling, become less active and feel hopeless.

“In addition to the physical and emotional trauma of falls, the financial toll is staggering,” said Sen. Susan Collins, R–Maine. “Now is the time, and now is our opportunity, to take action to prevent falls.”

In the report, the committee laid out five possible interventions for preventing falls among older adults:

1. Educational Interventions 2. Medication Management 3. Physical Mobility Interventions 4. Home Safety and Reduction of Hazards 5. Cross-Cutting Interventions

How You Can Intervene:

You play a crucial part in falls prevention and recovery for your patients. It all begins with a conversation to identify potential fall risks. If your patients are at risk of a fall, physical therapy is the most effective intervention

you can offer.

Don’t just choose any physical therapy clinic... choose the balance and fall prevention experts!

**FYZICAL is on the Forefront of Fall Prevention.**

FYZICAL exists today because our founders understood the tremendous need for balance therapy and falls prevention in the US. All our clinicians receive premier balance training from the top program in the country. We’re on the forefront of this movement and we’ve already helped thousands of patients regain their balance and regain their confidence by using a combination of educational, physical mobility and home safety interventions.