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» Why does my low back hurt while lying down?
Why does my low back hurt while lying down?

If you have back pain while lying down, it is time to wake up refreshed.There are several reasons why you could be having low back pain when you lie down. Here are the three most common:

  1. Musculoskeletal pain. This is low back pain due to tight muscles spasming. Generally, side lying and being supported with some sort of pillow and making sure all your curves are in the right spot is the best position for people. This is especially true if you are having any kind of musculoskeletal back pain when lying down.
  2. Pinched nerves. This is low back pain due to a nerve being pinched between two structures including muscle, bone, or connective tissue. Often this coincides with muscle inflammation. When muscles are still or at rest are generally going to feel worse than when they're moving. Find a spot that will allow your muscles to relax. In the case of pinched nerves, you might consider lying on your stomach with pillows underneath you. 
  3. If your muscles don't feel tight and you don't feel like your movement is restricted, but you're getting pain like in the middle of the night you need to speak with your physician to make sure things can be cleared

Other considerations of low back pain when you are lying down include constipation and pelvic floor dysfunction.