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Physical Therapy, an Ideal Treatment for Dizziness & Vertigo

You know the feeling – you can’t focus, you can’t see straight, your head is spinning. You tried to stand-up, but that was a huge mistake, so back in the chair you slide. There is no mistaking the feeling of dizziness.

Causes of Dizziness

Dizziness is common and has many causes. In fact, there are at least 5 types of dizziness you may be suffering from. And you might even be dealing with more than one type at the same time.


Maybe you were dehydrated on a hot day, or you stood up too fast from a squat. You have probably experienced lightheadedness at some point. Lightheadedness is commonly characterized by “tunnel vision,” your vision narrows and your peripheral vision goes dark for a few moments.

If you are lightheaded, you may have a sensation of wooziness, and typically have visual sensitivity. When this is a one-off event, get some fluids in you and find a cool place to rest. If it is happening frequently, you need to schedule an appointment with your physician.

Motion Sickness

If Dr. Seuss wrote about motion sickness, it might have gone something like this

                        “On a train, or in the air,

Vomit, vomit, everywhere.

Up-chuck, puke, throw-up, get sick

‘Not in the car,’ says Mom. ‘Ick!’”

If you have ever had motion sickness or traveled with someone who did, you know how unpleasant it is. Nausea and vomiting while in motion are the key symptoms one faces with motion sickness.

Whether it has just emerged, or you have dealt with motion sickness your whole life, there is hope. Focusing on visual and vestibular rehabilitation with a physical therapist specializing in vestibular rehabilitation (like those at FYZICAL Oklahoma City), you can travel nausea free.

Behavioral Dizziness

You’re anxious. You’re guarded, apprehensive. You’re afraid of falling. You have behavioral dizziness, and often, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Maybe you have fallen, or maybe you are just worried it will happen. Regardless of how it started, you are worried and it is making it so that even when you are safe, you feel like you could end up on the ground at any moment.

It feels safer to touch the wall or hang on to the back of a chair, but instead of addressing your dizziness, you are actually making it worse. You are making it so that you are less safe with each step. It’s time you talked with a physical therapist who can address your behavioral dizziness safely, in a controlled environment, but with real world simulations. You need to be challenged by a balance rehabilitation expert.


Dysequilibrium is best characterized by feeling unsteady on your feet. Feeling like you aren't balanced.

You may feel unstable on your feet and you may not feel as strong as you once were. Both problems are ideally treated through activity and exercise with a physical therapist.


Vertigo, on the other hand, has a very specific feeling. You might describe it as feeling like you are “rocking” or “tilting,” or the room might just feel like it is spinning. But you are sitting still, and you are miserable.

The feelings of dizziness or spinning characteristic of vertigo are in response to a disconnect between your inner ear, your brain, and your eyes. Causing a literal imbalance in your body.



Not sure what type of dizziness you are dealing with? Your physical therapist can help you figure out what you need to do.

Call today, get seen today! Or book your your appointment online.


Causes of Dizziness

So what causes you to feel dizzy? Because of its different presentations, dizziness can be caused by many factors, but some to watch out for include:

  • lack of sleep
  • poor nutrition
  • Overexertion or dehydration
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Medication
  • Illness (ex. a head cold, the flu, or an ear infection)
  • Vertigo (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo; BPPV)
  • Concussion induced dizziness

Treatment for Dizziness with a Vestibular Physical Therapist

If you looked at these signs and symptoms of dizziness and thought your best outcome was bleak, you would be wrong. Dead wrong.

While all forms of dizziness can hinder your daily life, you don’t have to live with a limited ability to perform basic tasks. No matter the cause, physical therapy for dizziness and vertigo can help. The Physical Therapists at FYZICAL Oklahoma City specialize in vestibular rehabilitation. This is the area of physical therapy that assesses and treats dizziness and vertigo.

Most physical therapists are trained in one or two Canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRMs), like the Epley maneuver, the Dix-Hallpike, or the supine roll. But as the experts in vestibular rehabilitation in Oklahoma City, the PTs at FYZICAL know there are over 50 different CRMs. And we know how to figure out which ones you need.

But where most physical therapists stop at Canalith repositioning, at FYZICAL, we know you need more. Getting rid of your dizziness is just the first step, we also have to address the underlying issues, and that means preventing you from falling.

Balance rehabilitation with FYZICAL Oklahoma City goes beyond vestibular rehabilitation to ensuring that you have the best connection between your brain, eyes, ears, and even your feet. We do that using our immersive virtual reality system, which is only available to the physical therapists at FYZICAL, here in Oklahoma City.

In Oklahoma City, only a few physical therapists treat dizzy patients, but when you want a physical therapist who specializes in dizziness and vertigo you need to visit FYZICAL Oklahoma City. Call us today and you can start to Love Your Life!

FYZICAL… The Place You Go for Vertigo.

-FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers of Oklahoma City 

To Learn More, Schedule a FREE consultation with a Physical Therapist.Schedule Your Initial Evaluation with a Physical Therapist today.

FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers of Oklahoma City provides vestibular physical therapy in Lakeside, The Village, Nichols Hills and surrounding NW Oklahoma City. Our physical therapists are specially trained to treat all types of vestibular dysfunction including vertigo and BPPV. Our practitioners take a patient-centered individualized approach that focuses on your health needs. If you are unsure about your dizziness, or you want to see the FYZICAL Difference for yourself, schedule a free consultation today.

*When calling for Vertigo evaluation, we will provide flexible scheduling that allows us to get most patients evaluated within one business day.