Balance Therapy Program

Balance Therapy Program

Balance Therapy in South Sarasota

Our Vestibular Rehabilitation Program

At FYZICAL® South Sarasota, we know that balance is core to your wellness. Poor balance or gait can lead to falls, which is a constant worry for those with physical challenges, such as seniors. These worries are not unwarranted, as falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths and serious health problems in the United States.

Balance and gait problems can stem from a variety of conditions, including orthopedic imbalances, neurological disorders, and inner ear issues. Our skilled team identifies and addresses the root cause of your imbalance to restore your physical stability, coordination, control, and independence.

We offer a variety of physical therapy services to evaluate and treat balance & gait disorders, including:
  • Assessment & Evaluation
  • Balance Therapy & Gait Training
  • Fall Prevention & Balance Retraining
  • Fitness & Wellness Programs
  • Functional Training
  • Manual Therapy
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation

The Benefits of Balance & Gait Training

  • Maintain your independence 
  • Carry out your daily activities with less difficulty
  • Minimize your risk of falling and injuries
  • Improve your mobility, stability, and flexibility
  • Strengthen the muscles of your core, lower back, and legs
  • Improve your posture
  • Reduce aches and pains
  • Enhance your athletic performance
  • Reduce your dizziness symptoms
  • Improve your vision stability
  • Improve your confidence navigating difficult terrain
Balance therapy and gait training works your neurological, musculoskeletal, and sensory systems to keep them functioning together properly. With our dedicated team of physical therapists at FYZICAL®, you’ll regain your confidence in navigating difficult terrain and learn how to avoid dizzy spells.

What Do Our Patients Say About Our Balance Therapy?

The Relationship Between Balance & Gait

Balance and gait are two aspects of movement that depend on the interaction of several systems in your body, including:
  • Neurological system - Includes your brain and nervous systems. Your neurological system controls both the voluntary and involuntary movements of your muscles, and the sensory input and feedback from your eyes, ears, and skin. It also maintains your posture, coordination, and reflexes, which are crucial for balance and gait.
  • Musculoskeletal system - Includes your muscles, bones, and connective tissues. Your musculoskeletal system provides structure and support for your body, enables movement, and provides flexibility and stability for your joints.
  • Sensory systems - Includes the visual (eyes), vestibular (inner ear), and proprioceptive (receptors in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints) systems. Your sensory systems provide information about your body’s position and movement relative to your environment.
These systems must function together properly to provide you with optimal balance and normal gait. Many conditions can interfere with these systems and cause balance and gait disorders, including arthritis, Meniere’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, and stroke.

Improving your walking skills (your “gait”) and your balance are interrelated challenges. Our physical therapy services empower you to master these skills to decrease your risk of injury, increase your confidence, and maximize your independence.

Regain Your Balance at Our Physical Therapy Clinic

If you’re experiencing issues with your balance or gait, don’t wait. Request a balance therapy appointment today and start your path to recovery!
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