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Make Your Health a Priority this New Year!

It's the beginning of a brand-new year, which means it's the perfect time to focus on improving and retuning your skills. You may have already made some New Year’s resolutions to improve your life and reach your goals. Physical therapy (PT) can help you take your health, wellness and fitness goals to the next level and get you back to the activities you enjoy. 

If you have been suffering from any physical limitations or injuries, now is the time to act and seek help from a physical therapist. With their expertise and guidance, your physical therapist will design a personalized treatment plan to help you reach your goals, whether that is getting back to doing what you love or even taking your wellness to the next level. This year, invest in yourself and prioritize your health and well-being with the help of physical therapy. PT may be able to help you in ways that you have never imagined, and your future self will thank you for it. Make this year the one where you truly take charge of your physical health and reach new heights in your movement abilities!

The Importance of Retuning

If you have previously completed physical therapy treatment, it is important to know that it is not always a one-time solution for recovering from an injury or managing a chronic condition. It requires regular maintenance to sustain the progress made during treatment and prevent any future setbacks. Continuing with physical therapy exercises and routines can greatly improve overall physical function and quality of life in the long run.

One of the main benefits of continuing physical therapy maintenance is preventing re-injury. Regular exercise helps to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and balance, and increase range of motion, all of which are key in preventing future injuries. This is especially important for individuals who have a history of injuries or those who regularly engage in physically demanding activities. Moreover, if you suffer from a chronic pain condition, physical therapy maintenance can also help manage chronic conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and fibromyalgia. Consistent exercise plans created by your physical therapist can help reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation associated with these conditions, improving overall function and mobility.

A Personalized Plan May Save You Money 

At the beginning of a new year, many people set New Year’s resolutions to inspire them to reach their goals for the year. Many people aim to spend their money wisely as their New Year’s resolution and get the most out of what they pay for. When you begin an individualized physical therapy treatment plan designed specifically for your needs, not only can it improve your health and well-being, but it can also help you save money.

A personalized treatment plan can help you target the specific areas that require attention. By tailoring the treatment accordingly, you may be able to avoid unnecessary procedures or medication that may increase costs without providing significant benefits. With this plan in place, you can make the most out of your physical therapy sessions and this may even make you progress faster. Additionally, this may lead to cost savings in the long run, allowing you to focus on achieving your health goals without worrying about unnecessary financial strain. 

Benefits of Direct Access

Direct Access to physical therapy is the first step towards your journey to recovery. It allows you to choose your provider and control your care. This eliminates the referral process before treatment. Direct Access gives you the ability to seek out the best fit for your needs now. This also means that you can start receiving treatment at an earlier stage, potentially decreasing the duration of your recovery. Whether you have a specific injury or just want to improve your overall physical health, direct access allows you to take the first step toward reaching your goals. It’s important to note that each state has direct access to physical therapy, but state rules vary. Please contact our clinic today to learn more about direct access to physical therapy in your state.

Get Back in the Game! 

Improving physical fitness is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. Many people want to run more, work on their golf swing, try a new yoga pose, or go for more bike rides. If your New Year’s resolution is to run more, then physical therapy can help you achieve your goal. Running is a great form of exercise that can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and boost overall well-being.

If you have an old injury that has been hindering you from running or exercising in general, it can be difficult to stick to your resolution. That's where physical therapy comes in. Through targeted exercises, stretches, and therapeutic techniques, physical therapists can help you rehabilitate your old injury and prevent future injuries so you can get back to running without any limitations. In addition to treating the injury itself, at FYZICAL, we’ll also focus on correcting posture and improving body mechanics to ensure that you are moving efficiently and safely. By incorporating physical therapy into your running routine, not only will you be able to achieve your New Year's resolution of running more, but you'll also have the added benefit of injury prevention and improved overall performance.

Yoga can provide a sense of peace to many and help provide holistic relaxation to the body. Sometimes, it can be difficult to develop the flexibility needed to achieve certain poses and each person’s capabilities vary. While yoga may improve flexibility and mindfulness, physical therapy can target specific areas for stretching and strengthening in a safe and personalized manner. Physical therapists are trained to assess the individual needs of each patient and design exercises that will help them achieve their goals. This can lead to an improved range of motion and performance in your yoga practice, making it easier to achieve your resolution. By combining the two practices, you can find a balance between mind and body that will enhance both your physical and mental well-being.

Other people prefer to stay active on the golf course. One of the most important aspects of golf is to have a full range of motion. For some, their range of motion may have decreased over time, and they need physical therapy to helpe their body to return to their full potential. One of the key benefits of physical therapy is its ability to help individuals improve their range of motion. Physical therapists can work with patients to increase their flexibility and joint movement through targeted exercises and stretches. This can be especially beneficial for golfers, as having a good range of motion is crucial for a successful and consistent swing. By targeting specific muscles and joints used in the golf swing, physical therapists can help improve mobility and stability, leading to better control and power in each swing.

Additionally, physical therapy can also address any existing muscle imbalances or weaknesses that may be affecting a golfer's performance. By identifying and addressing these issues, physical therapists can help individuals strengthen their bodies and reduce the risk of injury during their game. Incorporating physical therapy into a golfer's routine can greatly improve their range of motion and ultimately enhance their golf swing.

Above are just a few examples of how physical therapy can help you get back to doing what you love!

Spend More Time Outside 

Every new year, people around the world set resolutions to improve their health and well-being. With the rise of technology, it's no surprise that many resolutions involve spending less time online and more time outside. However, this can be easier said than done for those who have become accustomed to spending a significant amount of time in front of screens. This is where physical therapy can be beneficial.

By working with a physical therapist, individuals can work to improve their skills and their physical abilities, making it easier to spend more time outside and less time online. Through exercises and techniques tailored to individual needs, physical therapy can help individuals achieve their resolution of reducing screen time and enjoying the outdoors.

Retune Your Balance Skills for a Safer Year

If you have been struggling with balance issues due to aging, injury, or other health conditions, FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers can help you retune your balance skills this year. Our team of experienced physical therapists will work with you to assess your current level of balance and develop a personalized treatment plan to improve it.

Through targeted exercises and techniques, we can help you regain your confidence and independence in daily activities that require balance, such as walking, climbing stairs, and even standing on one leg. Our goal is to help you achieve better balance and reduce your risk of falling, ultimately improving your overall quality of life. Spending time working on and retuning your balance skills can help you get back to doing what you love and help reduce your risk of falling in the future.

Better Your Workplace Ergonomics

During the workday, it can be easy to develop poor workplace ergonomics as the day progresses. Ergonomics refers to the design and arrangement of workspaces and equipment to optimize workers’ efficiency, comfort, and safety. By incorporating physical therapy techniques, such as stretching and strengthening exercises, into your daily routine, you can improve your posture, reduce muscle tension and pain, and prevent workplace injuries. When you are more comfortable and not in pain, you can increase your concentration on your work. If your resolution is rooted in your career success, having proper workplace ergonomics can be your first step!

Incorporate Self-Care into Your Daily Life

During the holidays, it is typically more difficult to take the time that we need to take care of ourselves. We are often busy entertaining friends and family without having much of a break in between. However, taking care of ourselves is not only beneficial for our physical and mental health, but it also allows us to have more enjoyable quality time with our loved ones.

When we prioritize self-care, we are better equipped to handle the daily stresses of life and can be more present in our relationships. When we neglect self-care, we may find ourselves feeling drained, overwhelmed, and irritable, which can negatively affect our interactions with others. By taking care of ourselves and making time for activities that bring us joy and relaxation, we can recharge and show up as our best selves in our relationships.

The New Year presents a perfect opportunity to practice self-care, which helps us recharge for time with family and friends to strengthen those bonds. Whether it's going for a walk together, cooking a healthy meal, attending physical therapy, or simply having a meaningful conversation, self-care can be a shared experience that brings us closer to the people we care about.

Have Your Best Year Yet!

Physical therapy is a crucial aspect of managing and improving various parts of our lives. From helping us recover from injuries to promoting overall wellness, physical therapy plays a vital role in our overall well-being. With the help of retuning techniques such as exercise, manual therapy, and education, we can not only overcome physical limitations but also improve our mental and emotional health.

By incorporating physical therapy into our daily routine, we can strive towards having the best year yet and live our lives to the fullest potential. So don't hesitate to seek out a physical therapist at FYZICAL to start your journey towards a healthier and happier you today! Remember, small changes in our lifestyle can have a significant impact on our overall quality of life.

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