Balance Therapy Program

Balance Therapy Program


Strengthening muscles and joints, moving around, and getting up from a chair are vital aspects of aging and fall prevention. At Balance Therapy Program in McKinney, TX, we provide special Balance Exercises Physical Therapy McKinney, TX services to improve balance, build strength, and prevent falls.

Comprehensive Balance Assessments

The first step in our Physical Therapy Balance In McKinney, TX program is a detailed assessment. We evaluate your:
  • Balance and stability
  • Gait and mobility 
  • Muscle strength
  • Range of motion
  • Vision
  • Inner ear function
  • Medications
  • Risk for falls
This allows us to identify specific deficits contributing to your balance problems. Based on the results, our physical therapists design a personalized treatment plan targeting the underlying causes of your instability.

Customized Treatment Plans

Some of the techniques we use include:

Balance and Gait Training

We offer guided practice of the basic balance and walking exercises that are performed daily. This assists in reconditioning normal motor patterns and reactions in regard to the stimulus.

Strengthening Exercises

For lower body strength, we recommend specific Physical Therapy Balance Exercises in McKinney, TX, with resistance bands, weights, or your body weight. Stronger muscles improve stability.

Sensory Integration Exercises

We use special techniques that challenge your balance system and teach your body how to adapt to sensory changes. This improves your stability reactions.

Tai Chi

The flowing motions and weight shifting of Tai Chi enhance balance control, posture, and mobility.

Long-Term Balance Improvement

With consistent Balance Physical Therapy in McKinney, TX, over 4-6 weeks, our balance program helps improve:
Overall stability
  • Overall stability
  • Steadiness while standing or walking
  • Reduced sway and stumbling
  • Faster balance recovery after tripping
  • Increased mobility and independence
We also provide home exercise programs, education on fall prevention, and recommendations for assistive devices if needed.

What are the benefits of balance and gait training?

Balance and gait are inextricably linked because they tend to impact one another. Even if you don’t think you’re in danger of falling over, that “running out of steam” while walking that you’re attributing to aging muscles could be something else. The problem might actually be slowing reflexes, which make moving around seem more strenuous than it is. By the same token, poor posture and gait can throw off those reflexes.

In fact, the balance and gait systems both rely to some extent on a complex number of body systems that include the inner ear, the eyes, the joint-muscle-nerve system, and of course cognitive functions. Therapy that improves gait and balance works with all of these systems to keep them functioning in harmony.

Gait and balance training has a range of benefits, with avoiding injuries being at the top of the list. Beyond lessening your chances of falling or feeling dizzy, you’re also more likely to feel confident with your footing. In addition, those aches and pains from poor posture are likely to decrease as well.


To learn more about our balance therapy programs in McKinney, TX, contact Balance Therapy Program in McKinney, TX today. Our experienced therapists can help you improve stability and regain mobility

FAQs About Balance Therapy

What is balance therapy?

Balance therapy involves customized exercises and training techniques to improve stability, posture control, gait, and mobility. The activities challenge balance reactions and strengthen muscles.

What therapy is best for balance?

Physical and occupational therapy programs that include gait training, strengthening, sensory integration and Tai Chi are considered highly effective for improving balance.

Is there physical therapy for balance issues?

Yes, physical therapists are experts in balance rehabilitation. They can assess causes of instability and provide customized treatment to improve balance and reduce fall risk significantly.