Fitness and Wellness

Fitness and Wellness

Fitness and Wellness in McKinney, TX

Fitness and wellness are interrelated concepts. Fitness is the ability to perform physical activities, such as daily tasks, work activities, and sports, without feeling tired or injured. At the same time, wellness refers to optimal health and well-being, including physical, emotional, and social aspects. Good health entails fitness and wellness at optimal levels, and that’s why our capable physical therapists at FYZICAL McKinney Lake Forest are dedicated to helping you stay fit and well.

At FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers, you will discover how to achieve the pinnacle of healthy living, expand your boundaries, feel younger, and revitalize your health. Our physical therapists can create a customized total health and wellness plan with specific exercise recommendations to help you meet your fitness and wellness goals. Read on to learn more about the concepts of fitness and wellness.

What is Fitness?

Fitness is a state of health and well-being of an individual's body that allows them to perform their basic activities of daily living without getting tired easily or suffering injury. Fitness is essential because it guarantees physical performance and reduces your risk of developing chronic diseases.

Components of Fitness

There are two parts to fitness - health-related physical fitness and performance-related fitness. Being able to perform one’s basic and instrumental activities of daily living qualifies such an individual as fit. However, what components make up fitness? The following are the components of health-related fitness:
  • Body composition: The proportions of the various structures that make up your body determine your health-related fitness. Body composition in health-related fitness refers to the ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass (muscles, bones, and other organs). Large amounts of fat in the body indicate a lack of health-related fitness and may lead to conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, cancer, etc. Body composition for health-related fitness can be assessed through body mass index (BMI), skinfold measurements, height and weight charts, etc. A healthy body composition promotes physical performance and reduces the risks of some diseases. 

  • Cardiovascular endurance: This health-related fitness component refers to the ability of cardiovascular organs like the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to muscles involved in physical activity and remove waste products from them. Cardiovascular endurance increases your stamina and reduces the risks of developing heart disease.

  • Muscular strength: This component refers to the force a muscle or a group of muscles can exert against resistance. You can measure and improve muscular strength through high-intensity and low-volume activities, such as weightlifting, resistance training, and other bodyweight exercises.

  • Muscular endurance: This component is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions or apply force against resistance for long periods. You can measure and improve muscular endurance through low-intensity and high-volume activities, such as long-distance cycling, running, and repeated bodyweight exercises.

  • Flexibility: This health-related fitness component refers to the joints’ ability to move around in their full range of motion. Flexibility indicates the absence of conditions that restrict physical function. This component can prevent injuries, improve mobility, and improve posture.

  • Performance-related fitness has similar components to health-related components. The following are the components of performance-related fitness:

    • Muscular strength and endurance: While these are primarily health-related fitness components, they are also instrumental in keeping performance-related fitness. Muscular strength and endurance improve physical performance and prevent fatigue.
    • Speed: This component of performance-related fitness refers to your ability to move your body quickly to complete tasks in the minimum possible time. Activities that can improve and measure speed include speed drills, high-intensity interval training, sprinting, etc. 
    • Coordination: This component refers to your ability to perform movements requiring different parts of your body efficiently and without mistakes. Coordination enhances your motor skills and improves your ability to perform complex tasks. You can improve your coordination by participating in activities that require control and precise timing, coordination drills, etc. 

    • Other performance-related fitness components that can help you perform physical activities effectively include agility, power, balance, reaction time, etc. 

      At FYZICAL McKinney Lake Forest, we focus on these health and performance-related fitness components to curate fitness programs that meet your needs and improve your overall quality of life.

What is Wellness?

Wellness is the active practice of healthy habits to attain physical and mental well-being. It transcends the mere absence of illness and involves conscious efforts to prevent injury or manage existing chronic conditions.

Dimensions of Wellness

Several interrelated dimensions of wellness ensure that an individual has perfect overall physical and mental health. The following are the dimensions of wellness that you need to attain physical and emotional well-being:
  • Physical wellness: This dimension of wellness focuses on the body's functional health. It involves maintaining a healthy body through several components, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, adequate rest and sleep, and other preventive health measures. Individuals hoping to maintain physical wellness will avoid injurious bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol, etc, and undergo regular check-ups to detect and prevent health issues early.

  • Social wellness: This dimension involves developing and maintaining the ability to connect with others with a sense of belonging. Bonding with friends and family, engaging in community service, and keeping meaningful relationships are signs of good social wellness. 

    Other dimensions of wellness, such as environmental, emotional, spiritual, occupational, etc., ensure overall physical, mental, and emotional health.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Fitness and Wellness

One of the most common physical therapy techniques is therapeutic exercise. Physical therapists develop unique exercise programs to meet patients' needs and treatment goals. The following are the roles that therapeutic exercises and other physical therapy techniques play in ensuring fitness and wellness:
  • Pain management: Pain can prevent you from attaining a state of physical, mental, and emotional wellness. However, we employ several physical therapy pain management techniques, such as therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, electrotherapy, etc, to relieve and manage pain and promote healing. 

  • Rehabilitation and recovery: Rehabilitation is one of the primary functions of physical therapy. Fortunately, it can ensure you are on your path to fitness and wellness. If you have suffered from injury or illness or are recovering from surgery, physical therapy can restore your functional abilities on your way to fitness and wellness.

  • Prevention of injuries: There is no room for injuries in fitness and wellness. Therefore, physical therapy can help you maintain fitness and wellness by preventing injury. Physical therapists prevent injury by providing ergonomic assessments, patient education, posture correction, etc. 

  • Management of chronic diseases: Chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc, threaten your fitness and overall wellness. However, physical therapy can manage these diseases through exercise programs and other techniques. 

  • Physical therapy in McKinney, TX, can help you develop several components of fitness and ensure that you experience every dimension of wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

How Do I Find The Right Fitness And Wellness Facility In McKinney, TX?

When trying to find a suitable fitness and wellness facility in McKinney, TX, you must ensure that the facility meets your fitness and wellness goals. At FYZICAL McKinney Lake Forest, we support your fitness and wellness journey.

What Types Of Fitness Classes Are Available In McKinney, TX?

Several types of fitness classes, including cardio, dance, yoga, and strength training, are available to meet the needs and goals of patients in McKinney, TX. These classes help you develop various fitness components.

How Can I Incorporate Nutrition And Healthy Eating Into My Wellness Routine?

Proper nutrition is essential for overall wellness. Therefore, you can incorporate nutrition and healthy eating into your wellness routine by planning balanced diets, staying hydrated, and seeking professional guidance.